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How I Changed my Life (for the better) Literally Overnight

How I Changed my Life (for the better) Literally Overnight


Nobody argues that 2020 has been an unprecedented year, full of trials and hard times for almost every single person that you know. I, like many, found myself in the depths of depression and anxiety after 9 months of continued blows. It felt like a hole that I would never be able to find my way out of. For me, being a small business owner working in the events industry during these times was stress enough. Add to it the suicide of one of my closest friends in July, the California wildfires that directly affected my family and hometown in August and then a multitude of other personal stressors (camera broke, car broke down, boyfriend had a couple of emergencies worthy of ER visits and nearly died…) guys. I honestly stopped living. I froze in absolute confusion and despair and I sunk to the lowest version of myself that I’ve ever been.

While everyone that loves me tries to assure me that these were normal responses to all I was facing - to all that we ALL have been facing - the reality is that I was waiting for somebody to fix it all and save me. For some reason, day in and day out, I could feel how miserable I was and how I was making all the wrong decisions but I couldn’t figure out how to get OUT of it. For me the final blow that was the straw that broke the camel’s back came for me at the beginning of November and while that proved to be the hardest time of my life it also turned out to be the best - because I finally had enough of it and woke up.

I won’t say that it’s been easy - truth be told these last two months have been by far the hardest I’ve ever had. I’ve had to work for every minute of happiness that I’ve found. But just because happiness doesn’t come as easy as it used to right now doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it. It’s worth it, I promise you.

I made some fairly small changes in my life that have added up to BIG results. And everyone around me started to notice the difference immediately. I felt the difference immediately. My only regret is that I wish I could go back in time and figure these things out sooner. The video that I made on exactly what I did has gotten me a lot of messages from people sharing their own stories of struggle and it’s been really humbling and mind blowing to talk to others. I’m so glad to know that being vulnerable about my journey has inspired some others and helped them to find ways to cope right now.

The times we are living in are very uncertain - we have no idea what tomorrow holds much less a month or year from now. So the point that I have been trying to express is that YOU can decide what tomorrow holds. If you take control of your own life, your own mind, body, and spirit, then you are in charge of all of your tomorrow’s regardless of what happens outside of you. That truly is the most empowering feeling in the world.

Here is the video I made on my exact steps of how I turned my entire life around, practically overnight. I am also linking the follow up video as well as the daily chart I use and my current recommended reading list. Please, don’t hesitate to reach out to me with questions or to share your story. Together we are stronger and can hold each other accountable. I promise you that with some small changes you can have BIG results and start feeling not only like your old self but maybe even like a better version of yourself than you’ve ever been.

Every day of your life you make choices of whether to be happy or not. It's easier to get stuck in depression and low vibe states than it is to be happy when...

Follow up to my last video about how I completely changed my life (for the better) overnight-https://youtu.be/o5upYwIqPA8If you are waiting on the edge of yo...

Below are downloads for my daily balance chart with an example of how I fill mine out and recommended reading list:

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blank chart example.jpg

Book List

I earn a small commission if you purchase any of these books through my links whether it be audio, kinda, or physical copy - thank you for supporting my small blog!

The Power of Positive Thinking - Norman Vincent Peale (probably the most impactful book for me, I’m not sure if that’s because of the book itself or the timing in my life. It’s very Christian based but to me it’s easy to take the Bible quotes as positive useful quotes if that’s not your thing).

Anything by Abraham Hicks, currently reading Ask and It Is Given

Anything Gabrielle Bernstein (these are very practice/activity based)

Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life - Grain Jones (short, easy read. I like his actual talks on YouTube better but the book has nice visuals/quotes).

The Greatest You - Trent Shelton

Unfuck Yourself- Gary John Bishop

Stop Doing That Shit - Gary John Bishop

The Secret series - Rhonda Byrne

Greenlights - Matthew McConaughey (Skip straight to the audiobook on this one because Matthew narrates it himself and his VOICE… but this is the funnest book I’ve come across in a while. He talks about how even red lights - bad things - in life usually end up being green lights - good things, but he has so many fun stories from his life that it’s super entertaining without being self-help).

Success Principles - Jack Canfield

If you want to dive DEEP into science-based brain changing, Dr. Joe Dispenza is my hero and has several books. The one in particular called Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself has a very specific meditation program that worked incredibly for me. It wasn’t super simple to figure out for debut it was well worth the effort and time I put in.

Movie Review: IT

Movie Review: IT