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Panic Room Movie Review

Panic Room Movie Review

I don't know how I haven't come across this movie before- it must have come out during a time in my life when I was living under a rock. Starring Jodi Foster, Forrest Whittaker, and Dwight Yoakum, it's a great edge-of-your-seat thriller. You will also find a pre-pubescent Kristen Stewart who, GASP, shows plenty of emotion and facial expression- don't worry, Dwight Yoakum takes care of that later on in the movie, catalyzing Stewart into the emotionless vampire lover we all know with one good punch to the face. Don't expect any deep plot twists or brilliant lines, this movie relies more on every person's basic fears and instincts for survival and leaves every watcher wondering "Why don't I have a panic room?" And more importantly, "Why aren't there more movies where Kristen Stewart gets punched in the face?"


Movie Review Monday - Pain & Gain

Movie Review Monday - Pain & Gain