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Movie Review Monday - Pain & Gain

Movie Review Monday - Pain & Gain


The husband and roommate and I ventured to the theater Sunday night for a movie after a long hard day of BBQing by the pool. I know, life is rough. We were all in the mood for a comedy and picked Pain & Gain thinking it was that. 

I had not seen any trailers and didn't know anything about the movie before going so I didn't know that it was based on a true story or that it was more of an action movie than a comedy (although it was definitely funny). If this movie hadn't been true, it would have been mildly entertaining as it is comical, has action, and features a totally wussy Rock. But being a true story made it fascinating.

I have done a little reading up on it since and although the story is, of course, Hollywooded up, it is pretty accurate with actual events that took place in the 90s when a nobody body building gym rat (Mark Wahlberg) decides to get himself a piece of the American Pie, even if it means kidnapping, extortion, and possibly murder. All he needs is some motivational training, an unlikely victim (played by Tony Shalhoub) and some loyal followers (Dwayne Johnson and Anthony Mackie). These bumbling idiots do such a fantastic job of screwing up their plot to steal Shalhoub's character's millions that they actually make it hard to believe the story really happened. The movie walked a fine line for me between being wildly funny and completely disturbing.

All in all it is worth a rental when it comes out on DVD. It was funny and action-packed and full of great 90's fashion and a supporting role for Rebel Wilson. Besides, I think most true stories are worth a watch.

Why you should ditch the semi-gloss and go for flat paint!

Why you should ditch the semi-gloss and go for flat paint!

Panic Room Movie Review

Panic Room Movie Review